Phase One
We are underway. The building has really begun. Well actually the digging has begun. There is still some work on the shop to be completed which is fully dependent on my availability. I of course still live in Kapsowar and have to drive the 2 hours to Eldoret with all of my tools to get anything done.
Thankfully there is a team in place to work on the house itself. We got our plans drawn up after multiple changes on the soft copy. Now we are in phase one. The digging process.
What’s great about building here is labor is relatively inexpensive compared to other parts of the world. So man power to dig all the trenches four feet deep isn’t to expensive. It takes a little time of course, but in the end works well. The only set back now is the rain. It keeps falling from the sky and filling the foundation trenches. The rain is also responsible for making the road to the building site impassible so we are not able to readily deliver the materials needed to start going up.
In the end we are very thankful for all who have generously given toward this project for the future of Family Keys International and our family. We are excited to see some stones go in the ground and the building to rise up out of the mud.